No-profit Foundation 



Medjugorje for Children was founded in 1987 by the Swiss pianist Mauro Harsch. This Foundation’s aim is to raise funds to finance projects in favour of children and young people in developing and non-developing countries with pressing needs for their children. It is especially involved in the care of orphans and/or abandoned children; it also provides them with a home, nutrition and spiritual assistance, as well as schooling and professional formation, thus permitting them to earn a living in sectors relative to the needs and resources of their own country.
Medjugorje for Children has financed numerous projects in India, Brazil, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Romania, Poland, Madagascar, Mozambique, Chad, Guatemala, Kosovo, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq and Cambodia.
"Germogli" ("Shoots"), published every four months, describes its work and projects. It also gives ample space to all children and young people in general who wish their thoughts, comments, experiences and articles related to their own world to be divulged.
In connection with its fund-raising campaigns, the Foundation also promotes evening charity events with international artists as well as special musical performances.
Medjugorje for Childrenis a non-profit Organisation. By statute, the Committee Members, Council and all helpers offer their services for free. A full report is submitted to the Federal Department of the Interior (i.e. the Swiss Ministry of the Interior) detailing the Foundation’s activities and its organisation.

Foundation "Medjugorje for Children"
Casella Postale 67
CH-6833 Vacallo (Switzerland)
Phone +41 (0)79 481 41 61
Postal account number: 69-9865-9
Bank account number: UBS-Lugano 247-312.182.L1H




At the present time we can only dispose of the Italian version regarding the information below:

[The Foundation's History][Completed projects][Projects in progress] [Offers and donations]

[Our magazine "Germogli"][Commitee]